On 10.45 by Anonim in IPFire
Perintah membuat IPFire menjadi 1 Lan Card
echo RED_DEV=green0 >> /var/ipfire/ethernet/settings
/etc/init.d/network restart
/etc/init.d/network restart
On 05.42 by Anonim in CCBoot
Ccboot V.30 cocok digunakan untuk Warnet/Perkantoran/Lab/Kampus, tidak menggunakan hardisk, cukup hanya satu server
iSCSI Boot Software - CCBoot Features "Fitur Ccboot"
PXE boot Windows XP, Windows 2003, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 from iSCSI storage/target.
Inside DHCP, gPXE, TFTP, Image Upload and iSCSI Target. It's an all-in-one solution for iSCSI boot.
Support physical drive, volume drive and VMWare disk file.
Support uploading boot image to the PXE boot server and save with VMDK format.
Clients can recovery to a new clear system after reboot.
Clients can keep their own system data after reboot.
Support image read cache and client write-back cache.
Support RAM cache with huge memory access (AWE).
Support SSD cache.
Support multiple servers, multiple NICs and load balance.
Support multiple disks.
Support client write cache.
Support one image compatible with different devices (PnP).
Support image with vhd format.
Support "Collect Local NIC" and "Merge Collected NIC" function.
Besides Hard disk, CD/DVD and ISO file can also be used for game disk.
Multiple commands for management.
Preload batch processing for clients.
System Requirements
Server Requirements
Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008.
All drives should be formatted as NTFS. When format drives, set "Allocation unit size" as "Default" for Windows system drive, and set "Allocation unit size" as "32K" for other drives.
Latest service packs should be installed on the server.
Client Requirements (32 bit Windows edition required)
Windows XP, Windows 2003, Vista (SP1 required), Windows 7 or Windows 2008.
The Windows system drive should be formatted as NTFS and set "Allocation unit size" as "Default".
PXE 2.x compliant network adapter
CCBoot Recommended Server Specifications
20 - 70 Clients Recommended Server Specifications - Intel Chipset, AMD Chipset
70 - 100 Clients Recommended Server Specifications - Intel Chipset, AMD Chipset
>100 Clients Using multiple servers to implement load balance and redundancy
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